Sunday, March 20, 2011

Teach me C++

Hello and welcome to my blog!  My name is Jack and here's my story:

For quite some time, I've been thinking about learning a programming language.  So, I did some quick internet research this evening and decided that I'm going to try to learn C++ from stratch.

Now, I'm not going into this blind.  I do have some basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.  However, I am by no means a computer programmer.

Why am I doing this?  Well, I guess I need a challenge and this seems like a interesting one to undertake.

I'm hoping this site will become a forum where the postings from this blog will not only teach me but teach other aspiring programmers as well.

OK, I'm ready to begin.  What should I do first?  Should I download a copy of Visual Studio Express?

By the way, if you're wondering why the blog is called The Muskie.  The reason is because my name is Jack Pike which coincidentally is other name for a kind of fish called a muskellunge or muskie.